UHC members and guests gathered last week in the sanctuary at Temple Israel and virtually to celebrate the new year with Student Rabbi Rocki Schy, and later at Fairbanks Park in Terre Haute for Tashlich.
Here are some photos from those activities.
UHC members and guests gathered last week in the sanctuary at Temple Israel and virtually to celebrate the new year with Student Rabbi Rocki Schy, and later at Fairbanks Park in Terre Haute for Tashlich.
Here are some photos from those activities.
Are you ready for the High Holy Days?
I don’t mean, are you cleaning the house and cooking for friends and family. I mean, are you doing the work of accounting of the soul in chesbon hanefesh?
Accounting of the soul is hard work but allows us to reflect on actions during the past year.
Student Rabbi Rocki Schy will officiate High Holidays services in the sanctuary at United Hebrew Congregation and via Zoom for the New Year 5784, beginning with Erev Rosh Hashanah services at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 15.
Yana Weinstein will return as soloist for Erev Rosh Hashanah and Kol Nidre. This will be her sixth High Holy Days with UHC during the past seven years.
Izaak Skillman will handle shofar duties.
Elul is an intense month! We’re gearing up for the High Holy Days, and in order to prepare ourselves, we have certain rituals that we carry out during this time.
We perform teshuvah, the process of making amends to our fellow humans whom we have wronged during the course of the year.
We undertake a cheshbon hanefesh, an accounting of our souls, where we assess how we measured up during the year.
We look inward to determine where we excelled and where we fell short. We read Psalm 27, in which the psalmist asks to dwell with G-d. And, of course, we hear the shofar.